A friend has once told me “never care more about a client’s business than they do. If they don’t care deeply about solving their challenges you’ll never succeed.”
He was right.
I have been fortunate to partner with many incredible people over the years. The successes we enjoyed - and the battle scars we’ve earned - come down to three factors.
My favourite clients are driven by a genuinely inquisitive nature and an insatiable desire to always be learning. Which is fantastic because my operating philosophy is “Question Everything”
My most-adored clients are “all in” and are true partners in every sense. They care deeply about their people, their partners and their organizations. Nothing beats, and can beat, a team that is fully committed.
My most-admired clients are those who take bold and courageous leaps to tackle the challenges they face. Their courage is contagious and I’ve seen it spread like wildfire.